Ok, I'm really, really bad about posting to this blog thing. I do love reading other blogs, so I'm going to try and keep up with this better. I do have a new pic on the banner of my new hydrangeas. The picture above is one of my 2 raised beds...this one has green beans, tomatoes and peppers. There are also 3 very tiny eggplant plants in the back. Not so sure they are going to be so productive. The other bed has cukes, peppers, another tomato plant that was a volunteer from some unkown seed. Watch it produce the best. I do have 4 small maters on a celebrity bush that are getting fatter daily. Can't wait for the first ones of the year. Just a note, the fencing is for the rabbits and cats that have been into everything in my yard. No deer in our neck of the city...ha. I am so ready to have tons of veggies coming in the kitchen from my garden. I am going to make my grandmother's super sweet pickles...if I can get my mom to help with the recipe and canning procedures. I think I was 9 the last time I saw it done.
I come from families of gardeners...even some with the last name. I grew up planting and picking and canning and eating straight from the garden. Sugar snap peas warm from the sun and just a quick rinse at the faucet....soooooo good. I have had some sort of garden in every home we've owned. I'm still learning, but do know that raised beds are a neccessity due to the horrid clay soil here. Rosemary is evergreen here and grows crazy fast and big and very drought tolerant.
We lost a lot of our landscaping due to the extended drought last year and had it pulled out. I still don't know what to do with the front bed, but we have plans for a patio where we lost our gardenias and the hydrangeas took over where some overgrown ligustrums had been. We hope that all we've planted will take hold and live thru the summer. Hopefully we will get more rain this year and not be so restricted on watering.
Next time...new topic.